We believe that torture violates the basic dignity of the human person that all religions, in their highest ideals, hold dear; that it degrades everyone involved -- policy- makers, perpetrators, and victims; and that it contradicts our nation's most cherished values. We believe that nothing less than the soul of our nation is at stake in our decisions and actions with respect to the use of torture.These past eight years we have become a nation ruled by the whims of a spoiled rotten child, playing God with the lives of innocents. With the simple stroke of a pen, President-Elect Obama could right a horrible wrong, moving us back to a nation that respects the rule of law. The National Relgious Campaign Against Torture has called for today, November 12, as a National Day of Witness for a Presidential Ban on Torture.
- Linda Gustitus, President, and Rev. Richard Killmer, Executive Director, National Religious Campaign Against Torture
Please urge newly-elected President Obama to issue an executive order by endorsing the Declaration of Principles for a Presidential Executive Order to Ban Torture.
You can read the Declaration here.
And you can endorse the Declaration here.
TAGS: Torture, President Obama, Accountability
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