"California is not exclusive in facing this challenge," Mr. Johnson said, adding that a national standard is "...a better approach than if individual states were to act alone."But what this historically challenged Bu$hCo shill conveniently forgets is that 1) There is no national standard, 2) There is no precedent in the 40 year history of the Clean Air Act for turning down California's request for exemption, and 3) Individual states have been going it alone since the 1980's, doing for their own air what the Federal government refuses to do.
And so...it's back to court we go. Governor Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Brown have promised to sue, to dance to the administration's tune of, "Stall, stall, and stall again!" And why? Does anyone really think that another court order is going to allow California to go ahead? Won't the administration just appeal to a Supreme Court already packed with GOP cronies? I mean...just because the the EPA was ordered to consider the exemption is no guarantee that the court will find in favor of California on the grounds of state's rights or some such argument.
No...it's time to defy the Feds. California should go ahead and implement the new standards; Tell Bu$hCo and the EPA to go and f*ck themselves; Tell Big Auto to comply or to stop selling vehicles in our state. I guarantee that, with a population approaching 40 million, no automaker, certainly no US automaker that wants to stay in business, can afford to stop selling cars in California.
TAGS: Bu$hCo, EPA, Clean Air Act
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