Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

AKA: "PresBO's State of the Union Address."

(It'll be interesting to see how he tries to talk himself out of the mess he's gotten into after a full year of kow-towing to the Republican obstructionists, with nothing to show for it.)


Friday, January 15, 2010

Open Thread

I've been applying all my spare time for the last couple days to trying to fix a friend's computer. Who knew that on today's internet you need an anti-virus program that's up to date, an anti-spyware AND a firewall? At least. Otherwise your machine will turn into a spam-bot, slow down to a crawl, and send ads for boner juice all over the world 24/7 until your ISP bans you for breaching their terms of service.

So this is what I've been doing a lot lately:

And with lots of this going on

On the thread below

it's gotten pretty long. So here's a new one.

Hopefully I'll scrape together some time to put up a real post sometime in the near future.


Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Way to Stay Classy Alaska

I heard this on the local radio station today: The city of Fairbanks Alaska put an ice sculpture of Al Gore on display for the second year, supposedly to ridicule Gore's concern over climate change. Ooooh, clever.
"Why didn't the sculpture melt if global warming is true, huh?"
Short answer: It's fucking ALASKA in the middle of winter you fucktard!!

At any rate, a heinous site called Al Gore is bragging about how this year's 8,000 lb sculpture is so much better than last year's because 1) it has audio - Gore's Copenhagen speech from last month and 2) the statue this year has been hooked up to the exhaust of a pickup truck, so that it belches noxious fumes as Gore 'speaks.' Get it? Gore is full of hot air, and they're so smart that they'll idle a truck all day and ruin Fairbanks' air quality just to make that juvenile point. "They" being designer Craig Compeau (who apparently also runs the Al Gore Lies site) and sculptor Steve Dean. They're so proud of themselves they've made a YouTube video of the sculpture.

Gore gives Copenhagen Speech

Belches Truck Exhaust

Now I wouldn't want to get so snarky here that I point out that Alaska is a state that is utterly corrupted by the influence of oil, or that they gave us both Ted Stevens and Sarah Palin, two of the most corrupt and clueless politicians to ever belch hot air. This really puts pressure on the teabag crowd to come up with something even stoopuder. OTOH it makes it significantly reduces the effort Keith Olbermann has to put out for his next Worst Persons In The World segment.

Oh, and that radio show I was listening to? The story was being used in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada as a lead-in to a Public Service announcement reminding people of a by-law that goes into effect today. In Peterborough if you idle your vehicle for more than 2 minutes you face a $30 fine. Not everybody is in a hurry to destroy the planet.

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Tuesday, January 05, 2010

This Blog Needs a New Thread

And Since We Haven't Posted a Music Video
For a While
This classic from the Staples Singers totally rocked my world when Rachel Maddow used it on her New Years Eve show. I'm using it in hopes that some of her cool will rub off on me.