... my health (now that it’s returning)… for my wonderful family, who still find a way to love me in spite of all the crap I’ve put them through… for the sound of my sons arriving home safe late at night, even when it's really late... for my wonderful job, with talented and dedicated and energetic colleagues and fabulous students… for my faith and my Friends… for being alive now, in this time, when so many things are going on and so much still seems possible… for music by people like John Coltrane and Hillary Hahn and Billy Bragg that makes my heart soar and which inspires me so… for the work of talented writers whose works make my mind soar… for baseball and for soccer… for being born here in the U.S.A. - seriously… for public libraries and for the wonderful people who work in them... for whoever invented the iPod… for grilled cheese sandwiches on whole wheat bread with a dill pickle and a pile of kettle chips on the side… for that matter, for Mack & Manco’s Pizza at the Jersey Shore… for the Jersey shore… for quiet bookstores and small, friendly, local restaurants... for strong, fresh coffee and for dark chocolate… for dogs, especially my dog… for anybody who takes the time what I write here, or at my blog… for all my blogging buddies, especially this crew here... for soft flannel shirts and old, well-worn sneakers... for the love of God in my life, which more than once has saved my life since I opened my heart up to it five years ago.
Have a wonderful day. And if you’re so moved, in between trips into the kitchen, say “thanks” here for whatever makes you feel thankful.
Have a wonderful day. And if you’re so moved, in between trips into the kitchen, say “thanks” here for whatever makes you feel thankful.
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